Here’s another collection of amazing things on the web, as compiled by the Webmaker community in our weekly community call. Make something amazing on the web now at Mozilla Webmaker — or help us brainstorm next week’s hotlist. What’s the coolest thing you saw on the web this week? Let us know…
- on our “memes” newsgroup. memes [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org
- at the start of each weekly Mozilla Webmaker call.
- as comments to this post.

- One Community Ranch is designing an open source village out of 100% earth friendly, sustainable materials, for around $1000-1500 a unit.
- “You Must Code to Survive.” This video game teaches kids Javascript through battling robots. Because all things can be improved by adding battling robots.
“Release early, often and with rap music. This is Notorious R&D.” –F.A.T. Lab
- The Free Art and Tech Lab presents F.A.T. Gold, an exhibition of some of its coolest projects from its five-year history.
- Japanese Schoolgirls Perform Superhuman Energy Attacks. This is everywhere now. For example: this NPR host.
- @tldrio just launched some awesome new features. And they’re going to conform to Mozilla’s new Web Literacy Standard.
- Add a side of bacon to any web site. This was a huge hit at a recent Webmaker school visit with 9 and 10-year-olds.
- The Pizza Song. Includes a dog made out of pizza. May cause brain damage.
- Stroll through the streets of Zurich. Make sure you turn the sound up for this one. Impressive immersive experience.
- The Mozilla Museum. Did you know Shephard Fairey made the original Mozilla logo?
- Mozilla’s birth. This PBS “Code Rush” documentary from 2000 shows the origins of Mozilla.
- Check out this Webmaker logo in the sand by
- MOUSE Squad teens participate in a challenge to remix the front page of the New York Times for the year 2112 using the X-Ray Goggles. Here’s the winning entry.
- Interview with Mozilla board member Joi Ito in Wired.
“You don’t get a Nobel Prize for doing what you are told. Too much of school is about obedience, we should really be celebrating disobedience.” — Joi Ito
- 3D minecart ride. In just 1K of Javascript.
- Jason Silva’s new creation, Brain Games, with National Geographic.