Mozilla’s Open Badges project: What is it? How does it work?

Those are the questions Mozilla’s Mark Surman took up in Washington, D.C. today, as part of a launch announcement that showcased Mozilla alongside NASA, the U.S. Department of Education, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and many others. Mark presented Mozilla’s Open Badges infrastructure and showed how it can help reinvent the way we recognize and reward 21st century skills and achievements on the web and beyond.

Open Badges presentation slides

Here are the Open Badges presentation slides:


  • I’m not sure I get it. I’ll have to investigate further. If I understand correctly, maybe it might be Mozilla’s answer to LinkedIn? Anything that helps people hook up employment-wise works for me.

    But what’s up with that tediously long ad (for fiber bars?), and why would you think anyone would share it? I kept thinking it was going to be something more clarifying about your program….???

    Not thrilled yet,


  • Hi Quercus. Thanks for the feedback. It’s not so much about creating a social networking platform like LinkedIn. Mozilla will just be providing the *software* and infrastructure that allows anyone who wants to start issuing badges — like NASA, Peer 2 Peer University, after-school programs, etc — to issue, manage and display those badges for learners across the web.

    So for example, if you’re a grade 12 science student, you can earn a robotics badge from NASA, display it on your personal web site and social networking profiles (like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.), or wherever you want across the web. Ideally in ways that help you open doors in the real world, like getting into the school you want, getting an internship, or being hired for a job.

    This post is just a set of presentation slides. There’s much more at

    (and sorry about the ad — I’m not sure what you mean? I don’t see that.)

  • the open badges can function as enhancers. Obviously only the openbadges not enough. It needs a new educational approach. A collaborative approach, independent and free. The open badges are excellent tools but we must use them well. The strength of openbadges is one for which, anyone can issue them independently.

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