OpenAttribute in The Chronicle — and around the web

It’s been an amazing week for OpenAttribute, the new browser add-on that makes it “ridiculously simple” to give credit where credit is due. Born at November’s Mozilla Drumbeat Festival, the project has gone from prototype to product incredibly quickly. And the world is noticing, with pieces in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Library Journal, Creative Commons, and a ton of awesome tweets.

The Chronicle: “Making Creative Commons easy with Open Attribute”

Jason B. Jones writes:

Speaking of openness, one of my favorite parts of  Open Attribute is that it was conceived and developed as part of Mozilla’s Drumbeat Festival. Molly Kleinman has a great writeup of the development process. And since it’s open source, you can be involved, contributing to the improvement of this nifty tool!

Library Journal: “Its simple but ingenious strategy: make open content easier to attribute.”

1000+ downloads and counting…

Download and start using OpenAttribute for Firefox here. Huge kudos are due to the OpenAttribute team: Laura Hilliger, Molly Kleinman, Hans Lemuet, Pat Lockley, Ben Moskowitz and Nathan Yergler. It’s been a great test case of the Drumbeat method, and we’re learning a lot from their success.

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