You’re passionate about accessibility. Or Javascript. Or Python web services. Or teaching kids about open web standards. But something’s missing… there’s a hole in your heart, an itch that only spreading the light of knowledge can scratch. Enter the School of Webcraft! Halleleujah! Imagine “School of Rock” meets Hogwarts — but for aspiring web designers and developers of all stripes, skill-levels and backgrounds. It’s 100% free and open to learners around the world — but it needs mentors like you to run. You can get involved now by proposing a course for the January semester.
January semester goal: more courses, more languages, more learners.
The School of Webcraft offered 15 classes last semester; the goal for the January semester is to double that number to 30. And to offer more classes in languages other than English. Volunteer mentors will guide groups of peers through a 6-10 week learning experience around topics related to the open web and web standards. You don’t have to be a brainiac mega-expert to run a course — you just have to be curious, motivated and eager to learn alongside other passionate people. And all course organizers will receive support in peer-learning facilitation and designing the course structure from the P2PU orientation team. Sound intriguing? Share your course idea via this form before Wednesday, Dec 22.

How webcraft will “eating” the world?
It al(l) ways beginning with “free”&”friendly”.
BUT it is just an other way of business.
Too much “opening” is entering slowly in your bedroom, in your mind.
I am interesting how those people can “voyager” without any money, because it is “free” also to taking the plane, going to so many countries&polluing the world?
Hotels,eating-meetings are also “free”S?
Too much lies…
Creating a new dream of some new Hollywood?
So many q_uestionS.