How can Drumbeat help

StopBadware is on a mission to eliminate viruses, spyware, and other nasty software that threatens the web’s openness, health, and overall future. And build a world where “people are the masters of their own machines.”

The project started at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society under the direction of Berkman faculty co-directors Prof. Jonathan Zittrain and Prof. John Palfrey. Drumbeat is looking at ways to help them on a specific project to collect real-life stories about Internet users’ badware experiences, as project leader Max Weinstein explained in this week’s Drumbeat open community call.

Max’s slides:

And here’s the audio excerpt that goes along with them:

Stop Badware — Drumbeat Community Call — 2010-02-08

We’d love to turn this raw material into a more polished blog post that helps explain the project and ways to get involved, and include it in the upcoming Drumbeat web site launch. Please let me know if you’re interested in taking that on.

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