Mozilla Webmakers Community Call
Tuesdays 8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT / UTC
- Weekly dial-in meeting
- Conference Number: +1 800-503-2899
- 7-Digit Access Code: 5435555#
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- Join us for video and camera sharing:
- (click and enter any name)
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March 12th, 2013
Roll Call. Who’s here?
(please add yourself to this list)
- Ross Bruniges
- @OpenMatt
- @eknight
- Emily @emgollie
- Kate @k88hudson
- rebeccah @ModReplica
- mari @marimoreshead
- Gunner (@allengunn)
- Malcolm @(Rafiki Int)3
- Supergreen Pomax (@TheRealPomax) Supagreen
- Sayak (@sayak_sarkar)
- Emma (@sunnydeveloper)
- @mjschranz
- Doug (@dajbelshaw)
- Chris Larry @chrislarry33
- Michelle @thornet
- Hsing @hsingy
- Ashlee
- Laura Hilliger (@epilepticrabbit)
- Jacob @futuresoup
- Sean @sheap
- Lainie @lainiedecoursy @hivelearningnyc @mozteach
- Erin Kissane (@kissane)
- Kathryn Meisner (@kathrynmeisner)
- @iamjessklein
- Chris Appleton @chris_appleton
- Erica @ericajanes
- Will @willbarkis
- chloe @varelidi
- @benjaminsimon
- Angela Plohman
- @msurman
- jp (@jdotp)
- Geoffrey @taliesan
- @leahatplay
- Scott
- mike larsson @stenington
- @bevangelist
- @dethe
- beatrice
- Pascal (Finette)
- Kevin Turner (
- Jonathan Lin @jlin
- @ryanmerkley
- @soletelee
- Paula Le Dieu
WELCOME! Introductions & new team members
Any first-timers here? :) Say hello! (and maybe add your name? ;)
- Hi, Kio from OpenNews here! @kiostark
- And Erin, also from OpenNews. Hi!
- Sean @sheap
- Clint @clintlalonde
Weekly Update
- Weekly Webmaker updates:
- Video of last week’s call:
- All Hands Popcorn Presentation: ‘Our Gif to You’:
- Aggregated blog & press coverage:
- Anything missing? Please add blog posts & press:
- Get your stuff on @mozilla:
- Click here:
STANDING ITEM: What’s the coolest thing you saw on the web this week?
Round up of last week’s “Webmaker Hotlist,” created by this group:
(please add!)
Boss Lady. A badass music video made entirely of stock video footage (language warning) From Evan Roth, the pioneer behind Graffitti Analysis project
Favorite animated GIFs. What’s your favorite animated GIF? We asked Mozillians — and got back a TON. Two compendiums of what’s come in so far: are veritable gold mines! (DB)
Dancing Jazz Kitten. Yup, mesmerizing.
“How We Made Snowfall.” This one’s a bit dated — but if you’re curious about how the NYT made their wildly popular HTML5-powered interactive story, this is a great resource.
Physics Comics. Mike Larsson’s high school comic about phsyics
MysteryGuitarMan. Who is he? I guess we’ll never know.
Visualizing Webmaker personas. From Parsons Designing Webmaker Futures course
Webmaker Tumblr. Yup, it’s approaching 100,000 followers….
Open Badges 1.0
Release at DML Conference, March 14 (Erin) (5 mins)
- Links and context:
- What does 1.0 include?
- New and improved backpack with enhanced user experience and UI:
- Shiny new branding!
- New metadata specification, aka the badge standard that includes the following:
- Standards alignment URL
- Tags
- Facebook display integration
- Backpack connect – enabling earners to automatically send badges earned from trusted issuers to their backpack
- And more:
- New redesign to match new identity on its way as well!
- A ton of little things left to tie everything together but we’re very close!
- What does 1.0 include?
- Shipping new web site later this week. stay tuned!
- 14th also the day this competition goes live –
- What’s the coolest new feature in the backpack?
- Layout
- See the full list here:
- like the collections feature great way to have people/youth learners start to organize, curate their makes and skills
- Go @iamjessklein @stenington!
- What’s the coolest new feature in the backpack?
- How to Get Involved
- Help get us to the v1.0 release: tackle an open issue (for your fellow earners!):
DML Conference Overview (all this week) (5 mins) (Mark S)
- Links and context:
- We’re doing a lot at DML this week. We need a shared view of what that is.
- Want to take 3 mins to crowdsource this calendar:
- We’re doing a lot at DML this week. We need a shared view of what that is.
- Some Mozilla goals for DML:
- 1. Everyone is aware and excited about our ‘Making 2 Learn’ message.
- 2. DML insiders understand Mozilla’s projects and how they can plug in (Badges, Hive, Campaign).
- 3. Core set of partners for Webmaker + M2L campaigns lined up and excited.
- Some Mozilla goals for DML:
- From etherchat: is “Making 2 Learn” official way of writing the theme now?
- No.
- vs. “make to learn” / “making as learning” / “making is learning”, etc.
- From etherchat: is “Making 2 Learn” official way of writing the theme now?
- How to Get Involved
- Come join Badges and Hive at the DML Science Fair Thursday night. Motivation: 7 Bars.
Chicago Summer of Learning initiative launch (Erin) (2 mins)
- Links and context:
- What is this?
- More than 100 organizations across the city of Chicago have joined forces to integrate learning into summer activities for youth of all ages in every Chicago neighborhood with the idea of continuing learning throughout the summer and connecting it back into the classroom in the fall.
- How does this relate back to us?
- Open Badges is the badge partner for the city of Chicago. We’ll be helping orgs design and implement their badge systems and develop a website to encourage discovery of learning programs for students and parents.
- Mayor Emmanual will be making an announcement in an hour!
- Chris McAvoy will be on-site at the launch!
- Can you use badges you earn over the summer for school credit in the fall?
- That’s the goal. Still working out details.
- How can local Mozillians help out?
- If there are local Mozillians in Chicago that want to help out, shoot me an email – that’s VERY exciting!!
- Can you use badges you earn over the summer for school credit in the fall?
- How to Get Involved
Webmaker Update (Kate Hudson) (8 mins)
- Links and context:
- Popcorn Maker nominated for .net Mag’s “Game Changer of the Year”: PLEASE VOTE!
- Train leaving today includes over 60 fixes:
- New Train-Yard feature to try today: YouTube Webcam Recording
- Big congrats to Chris DeCairos, Jon Buckley, Kate Hudson, and everyone who shipped this.
- Help us test this great new feature:
- What is it?
- Where can I try it?
- Where do I report issues?
- Help find bugs
- What are you using it for?
- What do you want to use it for, but can’t?
- New Awesome Project – make an interactive biography for Women’s History Month
- Love this project!+1+1
- How to Get Involved
- 1) Help find bugs
- 2) Tell us what you’re using for. What you’re making or building.
- How? #webmaker on
- 3) What you want to use it for, but can’t yet.
Hive Toronto Update – Kathryn Meisner (5 mins)
- Links and context:
- Since joining a month ago…
- Hive Pop-Up in Peterborough with over 100 kids and parents attending – part of TVO’s On the Road: Learning 2030 series
- TVO picked up on the makingand learning piece in their blog post and interview me:
- Some makes from the pop-up:
- – Google Hotmail: “you’ve been hacked by an 8-year old!”
- – note the contact info
- -cheeeeeesse
- – Kirby takes over
- Had our first Hive member meetup to discuss the past year and what the next 12 months are looking like
- Hive Pop-Up in Waterloo on family day spearheaded by Sean Yo
- Working with Mini Maker Faire Toronto to have a Hive presence
- Spoke at sxswEDU about breaking down walls between school and the community
- BIG interest in Hive, several ppl asking how to start one in their city
- Met Hive Pittsburg ppl, Beatrice from Hive NYC, Doug, Sunny and Emily from open badges
- Up next:
- Possible space pop-up with the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum)
- Leah from Hive NYC leads Hive Toronto member design charette Yay!
- Since joining a month ago…
“I learned scratch at the hive pop-up in October. I loved scratch alot. I have learned so much from the hive pop-ups This is completely a dream come true. I have now made a few games but i hope to make alot more. thank you for organising the hive pop-ups. there is a wedding game for my uncle, a scrolling test, a first game and a star wars game (not done), and an anti bullying game witch is very hard.
- In terms of applying what you learned so far from Hive Toronto to new chapters that want to start around the world…
- what’s the biggest “a ha” moment? obstacle?
- bringing people together who are doing things off on their own in little corners in ways that can help them reach more youth and other non-profits = win.
- what’s the biggest “a ha” moment? obstacle?
- In terms of applying what you learned so far from Hive Toronto to new chapters that want to start around the world…
- How to Get Involved:
- Follow us on Twitter:
- Like us on Facebook:
- Run your own Hive Pop-Up Event. Gather local groups to play together and start a network.
- So you want to start your own Hive? Hive Cookbook coming soon!
OpenNews Learning (Kio Stark & Erin Kissane) (5 mins)
- Links and context:
- New site section at:
- The Learning initiative is focused on an audience of working journalist-developers who want to deepen and expand both their technical skills and their understanding of journalism-specific challenges related to public data, ethics, etc.
- We launched yesterday on Source, which is a community site for developers (and designers) who work in and around newsrooms.
- Intro blog post about it:
- Launched with three case studies:
- Public Info Doesn’t Always Want to Be Free:
- Sane Data Updates Are Harder than You Think:
- Color Theory & Mapping:
- LOVE THIS, it’s super informative +1+1+1
- …with a lot more coming all spring and summer.
- Quick Source update: feedback from news developers, changes we’re working on, what to expect over the next few months
- Love the style and the “code” tab on the Source website.
- Hey mentor team: we should look at this page as a potential model for our “Git Hub for learning resources” concept:
- pulling stuff submitted on Git Hub through a friendly web skin, w. search, etc.
- Source is opensourced (duh), so you could make this happen with little more than a fork:
- Hey Kio and Erin – this looks great! Just a suggestion, to include a call for case studies for the learning section here
- <–under the “guidelines”
- are we favoring @Source over @OpenNews these days when sharing links? Any preferred hashtags we should know about? Nope! We’re using @Source for everything that shows up on @Source, but @OpenNews remains the main account for all OpenNews everything, including Mozilla open calls, hack days, etc.
- How to Get Involved
- Follow us on @Source
- Submit bugs at
Reps Training Days for Webmaker,
Launching (Michelle, Laura. 5min)
- Links and context:
- Very successful training days in Athens with 40 Mozilla Reps from around the world.
- 1 day observe Hive Athens Pop-Up
- 2 days developing local strategy and teaching skills
- 1 day applied teaching with 100 students at the British Council
- Over 40 events planned in the next 3 months to build local Webmaker mentor team and prototype events for the campaign
- From Taiwan to Indonesia, India to Mauritius, Kenya, Uganda, Romania, UK, France, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada + beyond
- Amazing example of Hive + Webmaker Reps. Local community stepping up to host the event and now invited to train the trainer in Greek schools.
- See more:
- Photos galore:
- Storify:
- RTD Etherpad, inc. agenda:
- The things Reps want to work on/make/contribute to:
- AND OF COURSE OUR OWN HARLEM SHAKE VIDEO:<– Coolest thing that we ever did!!This brought me great joy+1
- Very successful training days in Athens with 40 Mozilla Reps from around the world.
- Launching
- Landing pages for the Webmaker Mentor community
- Contains also:
- — Hacktivity Kits for easy use and remix
- — Ways to get in touch, inc. #teachtheweb
- — How to run a Hive Pop-Up and start a local network
- Also kicked off @mozteach for mentor community – please follow/RT/etc.
- Please help with QA on
- Review copy, links, etc.
- File bugs here:
- Please help with QA on
- Could we point mentors towards the Web Literacy standard work? And vice-versa? / +1 <- yes, was part of the plan, will get in 1.1 hopefully Cool <- yes, was part of the plan, will get in 1.1 hopefully
- YES! let’s do that. Doug, let’s circle back on that thread we started re: getting a Web Lit Standard landing page on
- can easily add a link to the current wiki page like… today. easy fix.
- Love the mentor aspect, are you guys connecting with Army of Awesome? –> not yet directly, but we should. have talked a bit about it. if you have any suggestions for how to best engage, they’re welcome!
- Looking good, one thing I think is to explain how the hacktivity kits are remixable in the part that says “100% free.Remixable, hackable and shareable.” maybe point to the github or be more clear about how they can be repurposed
- (also there needs to be a grammatical space after the period between the words “free.Remixable”)
- Could we point mentors towards the Web Literacy standard work? And vice-versa? / +1 <- yes, was part of the plan, will get in 1.1 hopefully Cool <- yes, was part of the plan, will get in 1.1 hopefully
- How to Get Involved
- Please help with QA on
- Review copy, links, etc.
- File bugs here:
- Please help with QA on
Parson School of Design Course: Designing Webmaker Futures (Hsing Wei) (5 Minutes)
- Links and context:
- Course blog/outline:
- Recent mappings and conversations:
- 50% grad, 50% undergrad, 50% international
- Again, can we tie this in with the Web Literacy standard work? 🙂 can you? They’re a great group of students very open to feedback. I’m sure they’d love a skype in Absolutely. 🙂
- hsing contacted me (jess)- since they iterated a bit on the user stories that I made, I think that would be a great first tie in with the Web Literacy work. Awesome.
- How to Get Involved
- The students had these questions, can we provide crowdsourced responses:
- “Why did we immediately accept Mozilla’s stance that everyone should be a webmaker when the question of if they should or should not is still not answered?”
- Who is the we in this sentence? Re: Yes they mean the class. The students themselves/the class? (yes these are from students) or is this about a critique of Mozilla using a global voice?
- Talking about “what is a Webmaker”: “web literate world” vs. asking everyone to “learn to code” which did they find to be more useful?
- “The mission of a web literate world is easy to understand, the goal of focusing on turning everyone into a webmaker is less clear. If make-to learn is about learning to code, what are some of the arguments as to why that’s important?”
- how did they respond to mozilla manifesto? maybe we need a webmaker one? +1
- “To achieve the goal of everyone as webmaker, does mozilla need to help all types and capacities? only beginners or shy people, or people who might not consider themselves makers? or also eager maker?” Do
- “Why is the remix so central to everything about Webmaker? Have they considered that some people may not easily find their way into webmaking by tinkering as a first step?” Great point.
- “Is the remix the right approach? A remix could prove too limiting to those who come to Webmaker with the drive to create something of their own.”
- The remix as an entry-point to webmaking is based on the hypothesis that making something immediately with familiar content is a better way to learn new skills than starting from the ground up
- The apprenticeship model isn’t something (in my experience) that US educators/students are comfortable with.
- Also see:,
- Remix is a kind of creative constraint that helps learning — it’s gateway to encouraging more creation
- “Rip! A remix manifesto” worth watching for this:
- Hsing invite your students to this free Hive NYC screening: April 9th, 4-7pm Tribeca Cinemas
- The remix as an entry-point to webmaking is based on the hypothesis that making something immediately with familiar content is a better way to learn new skills than starting from the ground up
- “As the web is right now more an exploring platform than a creating one, if everybody start creating their own things on the web can make more difficult for the others the exploring part of the web?”
- “Why did we immediately accept Mozilla’s stance that everyone should be a webmaker when the question of if they should or should not is still not answered?”
- Again, can we tie this in with the Web Literacy standard work? 🙂 can you? They’re a great group of students very open to feedback. I’m sure they’d love a skype in Absolutely. 🙂
Communications Update (Erica)
- GameOn Winner announcement coming today!
- sneak peek post staged in Thimble (please don’t share):
- Open badges launch in Chicago at DML – yay!
Winning designs for WebDev Open Badges announced:
- Badges for WebDev contributors will be available next Monday
- These are the first MoCo-issued badges. SUMO, Student Reps, and Engagement badges to follow this spring.
- If you’re interested in designing and issuing badges for your community, please reach emily[at]
- Last week’s discussion:
- Blog:
- We’re on course to finalise the categories for a Web Literacy standard this week – then we’ll be drilling down into the elements that make up those categories.
- At the DML conference this week we’re planning to have a round table discussion with virtual joining in on the call as well. #DML2013
- Join in the discussion – either synchronously or asynchronously!
- Hi everyone! I want to start teaching a Webmakers class in San Francisco Bay Area and the Silicon Valley this April. I’d like to teach Webmakers to students from Year Up, which is an IT business/trade school, alumni, as well as community members. If anyone has any ideas/feedback, they’d be gratefully appreciated. I’ve started a google doc for anyone who is interested in taking a glance with some more details. Anyone curious? Contact me, I need your help: IRC: ashlee in #dcops
- Check out:
- Teaching guides and kits + Event guides + lots of resources there
- Check out:
- Ross has got your hook up – —— this is FANTASTIC! I was just talking about how we need a primer on this/ common language.
Take a look at upcoming events! Add new ones.
Agenda for next week’s call: