The Mozilla Festival and Mozilla Webmaker:
resources for communications, press and storytellers
Questions? Press inquiries?
To request a Mozilla Festival press pass or get in touch, please contact:
- Matt Thompson, Communications Director, Mozilla Foundation
matt [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org or @OpenMatt - or Dr. Barbara Hüppe, European Communications Manager, Mozilla
press-eu [at] mozilla [dot] com
- Sep 18. Mozilla Festival web site and registration launched.
- Sep to Nov: community-organized, pre-Festival events and hack days happening around the world. (Live database, updating often.)
- Nov 8. Mozilla Festival press event. At the Mozilla London office.
- Nov 9. Thought leadership event: “Open Internet Preservation Society.” Experts and thought leaders gathering to discuss and plan scenarios for the web’s future. By invitation only.
- Nov 9 – 11. Mozilla Festival takes place at Ravensbourne.
Key Messages
- For the Mozilla Festival: blog post and Festival “about” page.
- For Mozilla Webmaker
- Additional key messages
- Mozilla Festival press package (coming soon)
- Mozilla Festival press releases (from the Mozilla blog)
- Latest Mozilla Festival press coverage
- Mozilla Festival blog
- Mozilla Webmaker blog
- #MozFest is the main Festival hashtag
- Other Mozilla Webmaker and Mozilla Festival social media channels
- Logos
- Videos
- Photos. Mozilla Webmaker favorite photos on Flickr.
- Demos + sample projects created by youth (coming soon)
Reports and research
- Royal Society report on ICT. Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools
- NESTA: “Innovation in the UK.” “We’re in the middle of an innovation strike.”
- O2 Think Big. “There is a wealth of untapped digital talent in the UK.” Press release.
- List of spokespeople available for comment (coming soon)
- Bank of quotes. From Mozilla, teachers, youth, developers, thought-leaders, policymakers (coming soon)
Mozilla Festival Press and Communications Tent
- Mozilla Festival Press and Communications Tent. Press and communications center at Ravensbourne during the Festival. Staffed by volunteers and members of Mozilla’s communications staff.
Get involved
Calls to action and ways to get involved:
- Attend the Mozilla Festival. As a participant, volunteer, youth, parent or press. Learn more at
- Help spread the world about the Mozilla Festival. (coming soon)
- Try out a Mozilla Webmaker project now. Make something amazing on the web, learning along the way. Free tools and projects for digital literacy and webmaking.
- Host your own hack jam or digital learning event. In your classroom, local library, community center, or your own kitchen. These event guides make it easy.
- Connect with others working on web literacy issues in the UK. Join the Mozilla Webmaker newsgroup and introduce yourself.
- Volunteer to help with storytelling, media production and social media at MozFest. Help contribute to telling the Mozilla Festival story as a writer, blogger, photographer, videographer or media-maker. Get in touch with Rebeccah Mullen — rebeccah [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org
- Stay in touch. Join our email list. Or follow Mozilla Webmaker on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr.
Internal Planning
- [ Mozilla Festival outreach plan ] Reaching out to potential attendees.
- [ Mozilla Festival web site] Schedule, registration, speakers, etc.
- [ Mozilla Festival weekly planning calls ] Calls are every Tuesday. Drop in! (14:00 UTC / 10:00 EDT / 07:00 PDT)
- [ Mozilla Festival wiki] Now largely obsolete. See web site.
- [ Rough notes ] Etherpad. Notes and questions on Mozilla Festival communications strategy.
- [ UK web literacy coalition ] Etherpad. Early planning & messaging notes. Rough notes on strategy, messaging. Mozilla + various UK allies working on web literacy.
- [ UK Webmaker strategy ] Etherpad. Rough notes on UK strategy.